Discover Detroit Mercy

    Click the calendar for availability and to make a reservation. 

    For additional appointment times or to meet with an admission counselor one-on-one, contact the Office of Admissions by calling (313) 993-1245 or emailing


    Graduate Applicants: 

    If you are interested in visiting campus as a graduate applicant, please complete this form.

    If you have questions, please contact Associate Director for Graduate Admissions, Jennifer Goethals, by emailing

    Transfer Nursing Applicants:

    Nursing Information Sessions for Transfer students are held via Zoom the third Tuesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. ET (except January, August, and December).  

    Transfer Nursing program options include Part-Time and Second Degree Option (Second Bachelor’s) tracks. For meeting details and to register, please visit   

    Transfer Dental Hygiene Applicants:

    If you are interested in Dental Hygiene and your pre-requisites and core requirements are completed, 
    please contact Dental Hygiene Admissions by calling (313) 494-6625 or emailing
    to schedule an advising appointment at the Dental School.

    If you are interested in Dental Hygiene but still working on pre-requisites and core requirements, please choose “Pre-Dental Hygiene” as your major for your campus visit.
    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled